The video is helpful in that we get access to some of the behind the scenes planning and rationale for the way the conference was put-on. Some of the issues they talk about include the T4G affirmation and denials statement, the impact of the speakers' messages on each other, the recent release of the messages in book-form, and how these men have come together for the gospel.

This last point is significant because it has raised the most contraversy. Two Southern Baptists, a Presbyterian, and a Sovereign Grace guy go into a bookstore . . . . No, really, all of these men involved in pastoral ministry and other ministry organizations, all with differing convictions on issues ranging from baptism to church polity to spiritual gifts, coming to together in a significant way really speaks to modern evangelicalism. In fact, I think it is in many ways a model for how we can link arms in ministry, for the sake of the gospel, without losing our theological distinctiveness.
Finally, I think these men demonstrate the importance and joy of godly ministerial friendships. It is so obvious that these are not just speakers at the same conference. They are close friends. That not only give the conference a different dynamic, but it also helps other ministers see a vital component in current pastoral ministry - teamwork and friendship.
I look back at my own time at the T4G conference as a great blessing and look forward to going in 2008. Check out the video and you will be encouraged.
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